Saturday, February 18, 2017

Creating "Hello World" java program


Class = Simple

 class Simple{  
      public static void main (String args[]){  
           System.out.println("Hello World");  


Copy the following java codes and replace data printed in green. Then run the java program.

class Simple{
                public static void main (String args[]){
                                System.out.println("Hello World");

How to compile and run the above program using command prompt

Copy the above sketch into the notepad and save it with the extension .java instead of .txt
Then open the command prompt and type,
            cd C:\Users\Inova\Desktop\new\Hello world   
here (C:\Users\Inova\Desktop\new\Hello world) is the path of the folder in which the java file that you created before is saved.
Then type,
and enter. by typing 'javac' we compile the java file. A new file called CLASS file will be created. Here 'Simple' is the name which the Java file is saved.
Then type,
            java Simple
and enter. Then the compiled java file will run, giving the output "Hello World".

Copy and paste the above sketch on the note pad

Save with the extension .java insted of .txt. Also change the Save as type to
All Files

Text file is saved as a java file

Copy the path of the folder.

Open the command prompt

Type "cd  C:\Users\Inova\Desktop\new\Hello world" and press enter.
(cd  <space>  <copied path> )

Type "javac" and press enter. Here the java file compiles and
creates a CLASS file.

The CLASS file also saves in the same folder

Type java Simple and enter

Output : "Hello World"

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