Tuesday, August 22, 2017

ADF how to deploy an application

Creating an EAR

First you must change the connection type of the database into "JDBC Data Source" from
"JDBC URL" in the configurations of "AppModule".

Then right click on the Application drop down and select Application properties.
Then  expand Deployment and you'll find "Weblogic", select it. Then uncheck the box "Auto Generate and Synchronize weblogic-jdbc.xml Descriptors During Deployment" and click "OK".
Then expand Run and you'll find "Weblogic", select it. Then select "Fast Swap"and click "OK" 

Then right click on the Model in project tabs and select Deploy and wait until deployment is over
then click "Application" tab and select deploy and in the popup select "Deploy to EAR" and select "OK" then wait until the deployment is over. 

Go to the resource folder where your application is initially saved, there you can find a new folder named "deploy" is created, inside that you can find the EAR you created

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